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Version: v3

Shortcut Element

Shortcut, default target is parent File, CreateFolder, or Component's Directory
Windows Installer references
Shortcut Table
Component, CreateFolder, File
Inner Text
Choice of elements (min: 0, max: unbounded)
IdStringUnique identifier for the shortcut. This value will serve as the primary key for the row.Yes
AdvertiseYesNoTypeSpecifies if the shortcut should be advertised or not. Note that advertised shortcuts always point at a particular application, identified by a ProductCode, and should not be shared between applications. Advertised shortcuts only work for the most recently installed application, and are removed when that application is removed. The default value is 'no'. 
ArgumentsStringThe command-line arguments for the shortcut. Note that the resolution of properties in the Arguments field is limited. A property formatted as [Property] in this field can only be resolved if the property already has the intended value when the component owning the shortcut is installed. For example, for the argument "[#MyDoc.doc]" to resolve to the correct value, the same process must be installing the file MyDoc.doc and the component that owns the shortcut. 
DescriptionStringThe localizable description for the shortcut. 
DescriptionResourceDllString The Formatted string providing the full path to the language neutral file containing the MUI Manifest. Generally authored using [#filekey] form. When this attribute is specified, the DescriptionResourceId attribute must also be provided.

This attribute is only used on Windows Vista and above. If this attribute is not specified and the install is running on Vista and above, the value in the Name attribute is used. If this attribute is provided and the install is running on Vista and above, the value in the Name attribute is ignored.
DescriptionResourceIdInteger The description name index for the shortcut. This must be a non-negative number. When this attribute is specified, the DescriptionResourceDll attribute must also be populated.

This attribute is only used on Windows Vista and above. If this attribute is not specified and the install is running on Vista and above, the value in the Name attribute is used. If this attribute is populated and the install is running on Vista and above, the value in the Name attribute is ignored.
DirectoryStringIdentifier reference to Directory element where shortcut is to be created. When nested under a Component element, this attribute's value will default to the parent directory. Otherwise, this attribute is required. 
DisplayResourceDllString The Formatted string providing the full path to the language neutral file containing the MUI Manifest. Generally authored using [#filekey] form. When this attribute is specified, the DisplayResourceId attribute must also be provided.

This attribute is only used on Windows Vista and above. If this attribute is not populated and the install is running on Vista and above, the value in the Name attribute is used. If this attribute is populated and the install is running on Vista and above, the value in the Name attribute is ignored.
DisplayResourceIdInteger The display name index for the shortcut. This must be a non-negative number. When this attribute is specified, the DisplayResourceDll attribute must also be provided.

This attribute is only used on Windows Vista and above. If this attribute is not specified and the install is running on Vista and above, the value in the Name attribute is used. If this attribute is specified and the install is running on Vista and above, the value in the Name attribute is ignored.
HotkeyIntegerThe hotkey for the shortcut. The low-order byte contains the virtual-key code for the key, and the high-order byte contains modifier flags. This must be a non-negative number. Authors of installation packages are generally recommend not to set this option, because this can add duplicate hotkeys to a users desktop. In addition, the practice of assigning hotkeys to shortcuts can be problematic for users using hotkeys for accessibility. 
IconStringIdentifier reference to Icon element. The Icon identifier should have the same extension as the file that it points at. For example, a shortcut to an executable (e.g. "my.exe") should reference an Icon with identifier like "MyIcon.exe" 
IconIndexIntegerIdentifier reference to Icon element. 
LongNameLongFileNameTypeThis attribute has been deprecated; please use the Name attribute instead. 
NameLongFileNameType In prior versions of the WiX toolset, this attribute specified the short name. This attribute's value may now be either a short or long name. If a short name is specified, the ShortName attribute may not be specified. If a long name is specified, the LongName attribute may not be specified. Also, if this value is a long name, the ShortName attribute may be omitted to allow WiX to attempt to generate a unique short name. However, if this name collides with another shortcut or you wish to manually specify the short name, then the ShortName attribute may be specified. Yes
ShortNameShortFileNameType The short name of the shortcut in 8.3 format. This attribute should only be set if there is a conflict between generated short names or the user wants to manually specify the short name.  
ShowEnumerationThis attribute's value must be one of the following:
The shortcut target will be displayed using the SW_SHOWNORMAL attribute.
The shortcut target will be displayed using the SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE attribute.
The shortcut target will be displayed using the SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED attribute.
TargetString This attribute can only be set if this Shortcut element is nested under a Component element. When nested under a Component element, this attribute's value will default to the parent directory. This attribute's value is the target for a non-advertised shortcut. This attribute is not valid for advertised shortcuts. If you specify this value, its value should be a property identifier enclosed by square brackets ([ ]), that is expanded into the file or a folder pointed to by the shortcut.  
WorkingDirectoryStringDirectory identifier (or Property identifier that resolves to a directory) that resolves to the path of the working directory for the shortcut. 
How Tos and Examples
See Also
Wix Schema