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Version: v3

ResolveSource Element

Determines the location of the source and sets the SourceDir property if the source has not been resolved yet. Special actions don't have a built-in sequence number and thus must appear relative to another action. The suggested way to do this is by using the Before or After attribute. InstallExecute and InstallExecuteAgain can optionally appear anywhere between InstallInitialize and InstallFinalize.
Windows Installer references
ResolveSource Action
AdminExecuteSequence, InstallExecuteSequence, InstallUISequence
Inner Text (xs:string)
Text node specifies the condition of the action.
AfterStringThe name of an action that this action should come after. 
BeforeStringThe name of an action that this action should come before. 
OverridableYesNoType If "yes", the sequencing of this action may be overridden by sequencing elsewhere.  
SequenceIntegerA value used to indicate the position of this action in a sequence. 
SuppressYesNoTypeIf yes, this action will not occur. 
See Also
Wix Schema